In 1987,CBSE brought out a publication titled,”Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya School Complexes” (SSCs) which characterized “SSCs” as a voluntary association of school in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system –wide renewal of the total educational process. In other words as” Sahodaya“ signifies RISING TOGETHER, it idebtified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst school of the complex:
- Educative management
- Evaluation
- Human Resource Mobilization
- Professional growth of teachers
- Value- Oriented School Climate
- Vocationalisation of Education
The board has helped schools come together and form into an interactive and sharing relationship. Present,there are many such complexes which are active throughout the country,and share and care for each other; particularly those which are in close physical proximity. The board organizes national meets of the SSCs from time to time deliberate on educational issueswhich are of national significance. It also helps schools’ complexes identify their own role in the changing secondary and Sr. secondary and scientific practice,for quality education with particular reference to Secondary and Sr. secondary stages.